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Free meals - PIN code still needed

Free meals - PIN code still needed
Free meals - PIN code still needed

A complete breakfast and lunch meal will be provided at no cost for all students. If you choose to bring your own meals additional items must be purchased through your meal account. À la carte items are considered add ons to a meal and will result in account charges. A la carte items include an additional entree, milk without a meal or an additional milk, water, second breadstick, chips, etc. Learn more.

Even though meals are free, students must still input their PIN code when going through the line. You can find your PIN in PowerSchool.

stillwater pony head

In Other News

typing on laptop

Stillwater Area Public Schools was informed of a cybersecurity incident involving unauthorized access to certain information within PowerSchool, the district's Student Information System (SIS).

student holding cellphone

School leaders are looking to students, staff, and families to help create a new policy related to the use of cellphones and personal devices (like smartwatches) in the Stillwater Area Public School District.